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How To Cancel Usenet
Category:Computer Related Services
Usenet is a service for finding and downloading digital media
Cancel by Phone
What you’ll need:
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Account Number
Steps to cancel:
1. Call 877-257-3360
2. Request cancellation
3. Obtain Confirmation for Records
Cancel by Web Form
Web-form Customer Service
What you’ll need:
User Name
Phone Number on Account
Steps to cancel:
1. Go to
2. Fill in the requested form fields
3. Request cancellation with information listed
4. Request email confirmation for your records
Cancel by Login
What you’ll need:
User Name
E-mail Address on account
Steps to cancel:
1. Go to
2. Log in into your account
3. Click On MY ACCOUNT-Cancel
4. it will prompt for Password again
5. FYI Message will pop-up:
If you still want to cancel your subscription, we would therefore ask you to contact us so we can answer your questions, process your cancellation request, or submit you a suitable offer:
Cancel by E-mail
What you’ll need:
User Name
Account Number
Steps to cancel:
1. Email
2. Provide info about the order number and name and address on your account, they have a general sample cancelation form on their website you can fill out, ask for confirmation or confirmation email
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