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How To Cancel Paramount Acceptance


Category: Billing Company
Paramount Acceptance is a billing company for gym's clubs.

Cancel by Phone


What you’ll need:

First Name
Last Name
E-mail Address on account
Address 1

Steps to cancel:

1. Call 1-800-748-4949
2. Ask how to cancel gym membership
3. They will look up your contract and advice how to cancel. (Most than likely they will have you send a 30 day notice via email to cancel)
4. Make sure to get correct email address to send cancellation and member # with the information they want you to have in the cancellation form

Cancel by E-mail


What you’ll need:

First Name
Last Name
Account Number
Reason for Cancellation
E-mail Address on account

Steps to cancel:

1. Email: with a 30 notice (required)
2. Must pay anything due within that 30 day window noitce
3. Ask for a reply confirming cancellation for your own records

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