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How To Cancel Melaleuca, Inc.


Category: Health and Dieting
Melaleuca, Inc. offers Online wellness with a line of health and wellness products.

Cancel by Login


What you’ll need:

User Name
E-mail Address on account

Steps to cancel:

1. Log on and go to your account on-line
2. Cancel_EmailConfirm tab want to go to support email tab
3. Click on My Account
4. Click on Email Support and look for the Benefit Cancel Form, Renter
5. Email address-then click on Yes I would like to cancel, send me instructions
6. Once you receive the email- click on the link in the email
7. Respond to each of the questions on the benefits cancellation form
8. Print the benefits cancellation form, Sign the benefits cancellation form, Fax, the benefits cancellation form to Melaleuca

Cancel by Web Form

Web-Form Customer Service

What you’ll need:

Member ID
Phone Number on Account
First Name
Last Name

Steps to cancel:

2. Enter member #, phone # and 9 digit zip code
3. Select the option that says NO - do not want to redeem points, you will see from there where to go
4. Check all boxes-DO NOT check the box which says you want to be reminded to reactive in 30 days
5. Click on Print Cancellation Form, Print form to PDF

These descriptors might show up on your bank statement:


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