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How To Cancel Lucille Roberts Womens Fitness


Category: Gym Membership
Lucille Roberts Womens Fitness is a Women's Fitness center

Cancel by Login


What you’ll need:

9 digit Account Number
First Name
Last Name

Steps to cancel:

1. Go to Click on the Sign in Tab. Then choose Create an Online Account.
2. Create new account with Outbound Service Email address- make note of password
3. Once done- we will receive an email confirmation from LR.
4. Login with new email and password

Cancel by Web Form

Contact Form

What you’ll need:

Address of your Gym
First Name
Last Name
9 digit Account Number

Steps to cancel:

1. Go to and submit a request to cancel using your dummy email address.
2. In the message include the client name, address and member id. In the subject include the client name and member id.
3. In the note section state if you would like to cancel with 30 day notice or immedietly with a $15 charge. ALWAYS CHOOSE 30 DAY NOTICE.

Cancel by Phone


What you’ll need:

Address of your Gym
First Name
Last Name
Address 1

Steps to cancel:

1. Call 212-734-9717
2. Request to cancel

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