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How To Cancel LocalNet
Category:Internet Service (ISP)
LocalNet is an Internet Service Provider
Cancel by E-mail
What you’ll need:
E-mail Address on account
Address 1
Account Number (If available)
Steps to cancel:
1. Create an email addressed to
2. In the body of the email request to cancel your LocalNet account, include your account information and an alternate email address
3. If you do not have the LocalNet email address you can call customer service to get the info.
Cancel by Fax
What you’ll need:
E-mail Address on account
Address 1
Account Number
Steps to cancel:
1. Create the cancellation letter and be sure to include an alternate email address to be contacted as well as include the following address for Local Net:
8205 Main St, STE 9
Williamsville, NY 14221
2. Send fax to 1-800-220-0749
Cancel by Phone
Phone (For Cancel Confirmation)
What you’ll need:
User Name (or email address)
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Country (if outside USA)
Steps to cancel:
1. Call 888-488-7265 to verify cancellation
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