What you’ll need: |
8 Digit account number (not required) |
First Name | |
Last Name | |
Phone Number on Account | |
Address 1 | |
City | |
State | |
Zip | |
Steps to cancel: |
1. Send email to service@greatfunsite.com | |
2. Request cancellation | |
3. ALWAYS ASK FOR ALL ACCOUNTS TO BE CANCELLED (often billed with shoppers advantage) |
What you’ll need: |
First Name | |
Last Name | |
Phone Number on Account | |
Address 1 | |
City | |
State | |
Zip | |
Date Of Birth | |
Steps to cancel: |
1. Call 877-488-9480. Will reach an automated service. Option 1 | |
2. Enter member number, if available | |
3. Spell out last name, Street number and Zip code | |
4. If identifiable, automated service will say if account is closed. | |
5. If account is not closed, will transfer to a representative and will have to provide above information. Be persistent in wanting to cancel from the beginning, otherwise will be on the phone for a while. | |
6. ALWAYS ASK FOR ALL ACCOUNTS TO BE CANCELLED (often billed with shoppers advantage) |