What you’ll need: |
E-mail Address on account | |
Password | |
Steps to cancel: |
1. Go to http://www.eharmony.com/login/ to log into account | |
2. Go to Account Settings under My Settings | |
3. Click Cancel My Subscription or Close Account link | |
4. Provide requested information membership will cancel at the end of your paid term | |
5. ****NOTE: If you are currently on a *any* part payment subscription plan, and you have not yet completed all payments, you will need to wait until all payments have been completed to turn off the automatic renewal. -We can only cancel after the last payment is processed.- |
What you’ll need: |
First Name | |
Last Name | |
Zip | |
E-mail Address on account | |
Date Of Birth (not required) |
Steps to cancel: |
1. Call 844-544-3178, press option 3,1,3 | |
2. Request to cancel membership | |
3. You can request to have profile removed at this time if you forfeit all monies paid. (?) | |
4. Ask for incident number (ie 160729-00582) |
What you’ll need: |
First Name | |
Last Name | |
Address 1 | |
City | |
State | |
Zip | |
Country (if outside USA) | |
Date Of Birth | |
Steps to cancel: |
1. Create cancel request letter including all account information. | |
2. Request to cancel membership | |
3. Request an email response cancellation confirmation | |
What you’ll need: |
First Name | |
Last Name | |
Address 1 | |
City | |
State | |
Zip | |
Country (if outside USA) | |
E-mail Address on account | |
Steps to cancel: |
1. Go to: http://www.eharmony.com/singles/servlet/rightnow/landing?p_next_page=ask | |
2. Go to the Never registered box | |
3. Enter email address | |
4. Click on Continue without log in. Select Delete account from drop Down | |
5. Type out an email request to cancel with details of membership. | |