What you’ll need: |
Account Number |
Address of your Gym |
First Name |
Last Name |
Phone Number on Account |
Reason for Cancellation |
Steps to cancel: |
1. please provide a written 30- day notice by certified mail with all the information listed above |
2. Send Certified Mail with (Return Receipt Requested) to:
Club Fitness,
7055 Mexico Rd, STE 1210
St Peters, MO 63376
3. Know that all past due amounts must be paid in full upon your termination date. Club Fitness charges an early termination fee of **$59.00** if you are cancelling before the end of your contract period. |
4. use the date of the Post Mark Date on your letter as the first day for your REQUIRED 30-Day Notice, After you get signed receipt back follow-up with the location to confirm completion of cancellation |